I am back from 2 days of awesomeness! I love meeting my customers in person and chat about natural dyes, yarn projects and all the wonderful things my customers create!
A special shout-out to those lovely ladies who take the time to bring along their finishes objects from Alte Künste yarn – I love seeing those FOs! It is one thing for me to dye the yarn having ideas about what could be done with them. But seeing what is done in real life goes beyond my wildest dreams.
If you happen to have pictures of your finished objects made with Alte Künste yarn, feel free to email them to me and I will post them (with you as the artist of course) on my webpage. Or tag me on Instagram where you can find me as @altekuenste.
But most of all a huge thank you to the organizers of the Oppenheim Yarnfestival, Claudia Freiss & Anja Baumann. Without the 2 of you and the incredible amount of work and love you have been putting into organizing first the Schwabsburg Yarnfestival and not the Oppenheim Yarnfestival – none of this would have been made possible. You set new record in organizing! I am looking forward to your new adventures.