More news at Alte Künste: We are super excited to have the wonderful stitch markers by Atelier Marie-Lucienne in the shop for you!
I shared my love for these stitch markers in the advent calendar 2019 for the first tie with you. They are handmade by Marjan Hoebeke-Pfaff, the fabulous woman and creative head of Atelier Marie-Lucienne.
Of course the set of stitch markers from the advent calendar are different than those in the shop now.

Atelier Marie-Lucienne is a small business that specializes in unique, handmade articles. All inspired by Scotland, a celtic touch and certainly British flair – and thus I was hooked!
I met Marjan in 2016 and have been following her creations with growing excitement ever since.
Lets have Marjan speaking for herself:
„As long as I remember I did crochet, knitted or embroidered. But in 2014 I finally leveled up: My blog, my own designs. In 2017 I finally dared to open an etsy shop and since then nothing could stop me anymore.
There is no way I could imagine my life without crochet, yarn, etc. anymore. But there is also no way I could imagine it without my love for Scotland. So it was just a question of time until I finally combined these 2 things that I am so passionate about.
There is no greater joy for me than sharing my enthusiams and the things I create from it.“

And we are excited that you share your passion with us and that we can enjoy your wonderful creation!
You can find out more about Marjan and Atelier Marie-Lucienne on her blog (external link) and on her new webpage (external link) and on Instagram she is @ateliermarielucienne (external Llink).
Click here to get straight to the stitch markers by Atelier Marie-Lucienne in the shop.