Cordula Becker from Hand Herz Seele Creative Retreats had invited me to do a long boantical dye weekend. Cordula’s event are always a real tread and I was very excited to get the chance to work with Hand Herz Seele again. If I remember correctly, Cordula started with her creative retreats in 2015 and her first event ever was a botanical dye weekend with me.
So this time I had set my mind to exceeding our first natural dye experience.
4 years later we are at a new venue and were going to dye even more colours than last time we had this workshop.
Cordula had us booked at the Ländliche Heimvolkshochschule Hohebuch which not only treaded us with gorgous food all day long, but they also have a wonderful barn for all kind of art works – and we were free to splash around with our dyes as much as we liked.
In my botanical dye workshops I want my participants to do as much on their own as possible. I am a firm believer that body-memory works way better and easier than intellectual lerning. So we had 12 women stooped over boiling and steaming cauldrons dye pots – gaining the experience that they can do this at home on their own just as well!
Friday evening we started out with mordanting our yarn and then set out with the actual dye process all throughout Saturday.
We got 12 different dyes and also worked with some modifidyers for further colours. In between the dye sessions there was enough time for questions, explaing the techniques and of course some nice chats and knitting together.
That was a fabulous weekend. I had lots of fun and we were a phantastic group of women dyeing together! Thanks everbody for this wonderful time!
Färbe-Ergebnisse Noch mehr Färbungen erste Färbungen die Färbescheune in Hohebuch Töpfe stehen bereit Margit & Cordula Pflanzenfarben können auch anders als nur pastell… In Action Unsere Färbe-Truppe
Here are a few photos form our botanical dye weekend. I know several attendees took awesome picture and I am working on getting the ok to post some of those as well.