We are super excited here at Alte Künste that we have project bags by nadelundspiel – sewn exclusively for our customers!
At the moment we can offer you project bags of various sizes all with seasonal themes. All project bags are one of a kind and the specific designs are only available via Alte Künste.
Lets introduce Anja Dietrich, the creatix of nadelundspiel):

I got back into sewing in 2000 after the birth of my children and after completing my education in Waldorf-daycare. I sewed mostly animals, dolls and other toys at that time.
I used the dogs of my neighbors as inspiration for my sewing and people got really excited over the sewn animals. So I started an arts and craft business due to the high demand for my sewn things.
In 2006 I established my brand nadelundspiel for my sewing. Apart from dogs I also sew cushions in the likeness of icebears, sloths, rhinos, anteaters and other exocitc animals.
My sketches focus on characteristic details of the animals I want to make. From there on I develop the sewing pattern to turn my view of the specific animal into a cusion.
Sometimes even a fabric inspires me to new creations. Each animal is one of a kind and I am always happy when they find a new home where they are loved.
I approach seing my project bags in the same way. The specific fabric and its patterns inspire me as well as the intended use of the bags. Of course it helps that I am an avid knitter myself.

In 2014 I joined a local arts & craft guild in Wiesbaden/Hesse. Every December we organize an arts & craft exhibition at the Wiesbaden town hall with local artists from all kinds of crafts – jewelry, ceramics, textile as well as wood works. You can find out more about our exhibition here here (external link in German). If you are in the area we would be happy to see you there!
You can find me on Instagram where I am @knittingsharky . I am super excited about the cooperation of Alte Künste and nadelundspiel and that I can offer my project bags to you here. These project bags are desinged exclusively for Alte Künste. For the upcoming holidays I sewed project bags with a seasonal touch: from tiny accessory-pouches to bags for large projects – there is a whole range to chose from!
This way for the project bags gy nadelundspiel in the Alte Künste shop.