We have been online with our weekly stich’n bitch for 4 weeks already!
Social distancing, quaratine, home office, no social gatherings – we have all been affected by the coronavirus pandemic. And yet we can still knit, crochet and a follow our textile endeavors – even when we cannot meet & gather in cafes, restaurants or at yarn festivals.
Instead we can meet online!
At home from our laptops, tablets or smartphones – and yet together!
We are knitting, crocheting, sewing – whatever your prefered textile craft is. We chat together, help each other out and are not alone.

Sofar we are having online meetings twice a week: Tuesday early afternoon and Wednesday evening (all CET).
Everybody is welcome to join. Just drop us a note (via our contact form – please check your spam filter for our answer) and you will get an invitation vie email.
Please be aware that the language for the virtual stitch’n bitch is German.
We are keeping up the virtual stitch’n bitch even though we are all glad that some of the restrictions of a lockdown are being revoked in Germany at the moment.
But it is still a long way to go until we will be able to meet in tightly cramped cafes or restaurants or yarn festivals.

We have also found out that with our online gathering we are meeting with crafty people from other regions and cities that we would not have met locally!
Joining in on the virtual stitch’n bitch is free of charge.