I am so excited to share the news on ouor charity dye for Harambee with you:

Since we started back in May, we were able to donate 744€ from the charity dye „polepole“ – and that means 31 kids of Kifili Vonwald school in Kenya got their health insurance paid for 1 year!
This is huge! And it was only possible because you bought the charity dye this year! Huge thank yous to all of you lovely people!!!
Here in Europe we are so used to having health insurance that we have no idea how everyday life without it looks like. It quickly boils down to the question: Will there be food on the table or medication?
If you are on Facebook, you can have a look at some of the thank you letters the families wrote who got the health insurance for their kids. Here and here – external links to Facebook
But that is not all!
The last few skeins of the 2020 charity dye „polepole“ are available in the shop.
Next year we plan on offering a new charity dye, so that next year’s health insurcance can be covered as well!

Until then, check out the new charity pattern:
This is a knitting pattern by the designer Hildegarn for a shawl with 2 contrasting colours. Here we used Big Merino 150g with the 2 colourways Red Earth and Clouds in the Sky – the individual colours that made up the polepole charity colourway, because is again for Harambee!
All profits from this knitting pattern will be donated to Harambee! –> this way to the pattern in the shop.
Only printing costs & taxes will be deducted from the donation.