„polepole“ is suahili and means „slow down“ in English. This is the perfect name for this year’s Chartiy Dye 2020 we are doing for Harambee.at.
Slowing down encompasses so much hope and confidence – no matter how harsh things may look. Take a deep breath and slow down. This slowing down and becoming calm opens new horizons and view points.
And that is what we are aiming for with our Charity Dye for Harambee: New chances and opportunities for the pupils of Kifili Vonwald School in Kenya by providing them with health care!
Universal healtcare as we know it here in Europe is not common in Kenya. As a result of this many families are ruined by illness, accidents or mishaps. We all know how often one has to see a doctor – especially with kids.

Costs for health insurance for one kid at Kifili Vonwald School are 24€ per year – we hope to finance as many kids as possible their health insurance for 1 year ! To achieve this the price for a skein of our Charity Dye is slightly higher than for the same quality of yarn without the Charity Dye – we from Alte Künste will add more than your share from our side! Depending on the type of yarn 5 – 7€ per skein will be donated to fund health insurances for the pupils. The exact numbers are in the product descriptions.
The colourway „polepole“ got inspired by the savannah in Kenya. The red of the ground, maybe an elephant in the red landscape – and the harsh contrast to the bright blue of the sky — these colours found their way into this year’s Charity Dye on our classic 4-ply sockyarn (this one even as a stripey yarn) and on our new yarn this year: Big Merino 150g, a pure merino extrafine yarn in extra large skeins of 5.29oz (150g). This way to the Charity Dyes.

Harambee.at is a non-profit organization from Austria that cought my attention some time ago.
This is a small humanitarion organization working exclusively in Kenya. It is as a privately sponsored initiative that gets stuff done that even large, multi-national NGOs struggle with. I liked that a lot. What made become involved now to support Harambee in Kenya was the corona-virus pandemic: while I read in other places how teachers got sent home without pay, Harambee.at is still paying their teachers, buys food supplies in bulk to hand out to the families of their pupils and organized classes via radio, so that the pupils can prepare for their exams even during lockdown!
This is not just an organizsation to donate to to feel good or soothe your concious – these are people who go the extra mile to make a difference!
Of course you can donate directly to Harambee.at without buying yarn from us.